The Human Hub: Strategic Thinking and Transition

human hub strategic strategy thinking transition Dec 04, 2023

As our themes for this month, we’ve chosen Strategic Thinking and Transition.

  • Strategic thinking is the art of thinking strategically, clarifying goals and making choices about the actions that will most effectively help reach those goals.
  • Transition in this context primarily describes the steps from one reality to another and is increasingly used to describe the process of moving from a way of living that causes planetary crisis to one that regenerates.

Why do these concepts go together?

Strategic thinking, the art and process of strategy, is often seen as the remit of leaders (Government Ministers, Executives) whose job it is to look beyond the day-to-day, think in longer-term horizons, and make big judgement calls about the shaping and influencing role they want their organisation or government to have.

That’s not universally true of course – many governments and executives think in 3 year or ‘term’ cycles, they think about short-term gain without taking accountability for their role in long term pain. And similarly, its not true that it’s the elite remit of leaders to think strategically - people use strategic thinking all the time in their everyday lives, they may not recognise or label it as such.

Transition – to better, kinder, fairer ways of living, of managing economies, energy and food production, ‘thing’ production and management of waste – is a concept created from strategic thinking.

The data and evidence of biodiversity loss, ocean and waterway pollution, inequity and poverty, a heated climate – they’re all there. People who are innovating, creating and pushing for transition to regenerative practices have done the long-term thinking, they’ve assessed the opportunities and faced the reality of the risks, and they’ve chosen their strategy. That strategy is to try and prevent more unfixable damage to the planet and living conditions of all humans, animals, insects and plant lifeforms.

So as we move towards the end of the hottest year on record, facing polycrises perhaps unprecedented in modern times, its important that we embrace strategic thinking and do what we can to be part of just and timely transitions.



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