Postscript Moment:  Forgotten Stories Matter More Than Ever, with Enver Samuel

September DD, 2023
humans at work
Postscript Moment: Forgotten Stories Matter More Than Ever, with Enver Samuel

This episode of the humans at work podcast features a Postscript Moment – a special follow-up conversation with one of our previous podcast guests.  For those of you who can remember letter-writing, after you’d signed off your letter, you could write P.S. and add in one last story or commentary that you knew would appeal to your letter recipient!  You wouldn’t have much space left on the paper, so you’d need to be more succinct and often P.S. information was the most informal and ‘juicy’ part of your news.

“So, you cannot pretend those things didn’t happen and you cannot pretend that those things don’t have an influence on what happened a hundred years later, and how living with that legacy of that trauma can still have an impact in today’s world.”

This episode of the humans at work podcast features a short(er) follow-up conversation with Enver Samuel, Documentary Film Maker, head of EMS Productions and currently a board member of the Documentary Film Makers Association.  It builds on the full podcast with Enver in episode 1.

Enver and I talk about:

  • The beauty of Kruger National Game Park
  • The peaceful sound of Africa
  • How social and economic imperatives take effort and investment away from environmental issues
  • The power of storytelling to fundamentally change the settings of the future
  • The success of impact campaigns – bringing forgotten voices back to life
  • Transgenerational trauma and the importance of addressing it to move forward
  • The need to acknowledge the past and its affect on people’s futures, particularly the impact of colonialism
  • The importance of taking breaks, particularly when dealing with trauma and hard topics
  • Techniques for keeping safe when dealing with difficult topics and working for impact.

a visual recording of the podcast conversation

follow the graphical journey map of my conversation with Enver
Hand-drawn style infographic about Directing the Future featuring Enver Samuel

Resources and Links:


To learn more about Enver: 

Visit EMS Productions

Talking Hummingbird in yellow
Hand-drawn hummingbird tinkering with laptop coloured in pink

connect with Jules:

Follow Jules on LinkedIn

Need an engaging, thought-provoking, inspirational speaker or facilitator? Talk to Jules about her availability via Calendly

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want a copy of the podcast transcript?

Download your copy and have a read.


read the blog  

for Jules' reflections following her conversation with Enver. 

read the blog
Sketch of laptop in green colour
Hand-drawn gift icon beside two papers stacked on top of each other

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